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The team

Where passion begins

Sobre: Equipe

Cleverton Marlon Possani

Founder & CEO

Cleverton Marlon Possani is primarily responsible for implementing the financial management method based on the skills developed in the team of partner companies. He is a senior professional and knows well what makes a business succeed. With years of experience, Possani has the knowledge to guide your company to be increasingly successful.


Patricia Kozoroski Possani

Cost Specialist

His exceptional skills, vision of how to see the direct and indirect costs of companies, strong knowledge in higher education management, true passion and creativity inspired a differentiated work.


Who we are

Tech Money - Transforming Results was created to help entrepreneurs take better care of their company's financial performance. Tech Money uses Business Intelligence technology to facilitate data analysis.

Cleverton Marlon Possani, CEO of the company, realized that good companies are suffering not only from the strong competition, but mainly from the impact of the transformations caused by the innovations and the financial area is the first to feel the effects.


With a degree in the best business schools in the country (Insper, Fundação Dom Cabral, Saint Paul and FGV), he works professionally as a CFO, has a master's degree in Production Engineering and a professional PhD student in Business Administration with an emphasis on Strategy and Market by Escola de São Paulo Business Administration (EAESP-FGV).

Call us today and schedule your first appointment.

know more
Sobre: Sobre
  1. Nome da Empresa: Cleverton Marlon Possani Serviços Administrativos Ltda

  2. Nome de Fantasia: Tech Money Transformando Resultados 

  3. Endereço Comercial: Av. Paulista, 2202. São Paulo - SP.

  4. CNPJ: 36.334.567/0001-41

  5. Informações de Contato:

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  7. Políticas de troca, devolução e reembolso: Caso o material não ajudar, reembolsaremos em 100% dentro dos primeiros 7 dias.

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